Since our first tournament in 1982, HOTT has endured the booms and busts of the Oil & Gas Industry and adapted with the changing times. With the combination of COVID-19, economic uncertainty and oil price instability, the past four years have been exceptionally challenging.

As Tournament Chair, and on behalf of the entire board of directors, I am pleased to announce that we will be holding the 2025 HOTT tournament on March 27 through March 29, and hope that we see all of our old friends, as well as our new ones, there.

I would like to extend a special thank you to all of the sponsors of this year’s event, as well as those who generously supported us the past four years. We realize that your commitment to our tournament involves a special effort on your behalf and for that we thank you. We appreciate your continued dedication and sponsorship and look forward to the future of this event.

To all of the tennis players who are considering participating in the 2025 tournament, we sincerely hope that you will join us. From its inception, HOTT has offered a fun-filled weekend with great tennis, industry networking, and fellowship. We hope that you will partake of all the opportunities HOTT offers, from our Thursday Registration, Pickleball Mixer and Happy Hour to our Friday Night Dinner/Party. They will give you the chance to form new friendships and renew old ones.

I am looking forward to seeing you all!

Erin Chang

2025 Houston Oilman’s Tennis Tournament Chair